
Chest Wall Injury and Rib Fixation

Chest Wall Surgery & Rib Fixation Procedures

Traditionally, traumatic chest wall injury and rib fractures have been treated non-operatively through a combination of pain medication and regional anesthesia. Evolution of the surgical management of rib fractures and associated chest wall injuries has progressed, particularly over the last 10 years, with many individuals gaining significant benefit with surgical fixation.

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Dedicated to Helping You Recover In a Timely, Effective Manner

Several of our physicians have a special interest in the treatment of these injuries and advancement of the care of patients with chest wall injury. These are primarily addressed in the early phase following a traumatic event, however there are some circumstances where surgical intervention in a delayed fashion may also be beneficial.

The Chest Wall Injury Society

Some of the same physicians are also part of the Chest Wall Injury Society (CWIS), an organization that primarily focuses on the common interests of those interested and involved in the science of chest wall injuries and the delicate, surgical stabilization of rib fractures.

Contact Your Columbus Ohio Chest Wall & Pain Specialists

Have additional questions about chest wall surgery or rib fixation procedures? Are you looking for treatment to help relieve torso pain and discomfort? Our experienced surgeons are here for you.
